Fall Soccer Season 2006


FIRST SCSA GAME -9/9/06 @ 1:30PM

The COBRAS opened our season over the weekend with a hard fought game against ICT Crossfire.  The Cobras came out strong in the first half controlling the ball and having multiple opportunities on goal.  Twenty minutes in Brandon brought the ball down the right side of the field.  He dribbled past the defender and shot the ball in the far corner over the goalkeeper's reach.  With Corey making some big stops we went in to halftime with a 1-0 lead.  The second half we came out sluggish and the Crossfire scored early to tie the game.  It didn't take long for the Cobras to strick back.  Andre brought the ball down the left side and turned for goal.  Andre then put the ball over the goalkeepers head inside the far post.  With six minutes left in the game the Crossfire scored to tie things up again, but the Cobras weren't finished.  I was so proud of the boy for giving ourselves so many opportunities to score in the last five minutes of the game and didn't just settle for a tie.  Way to hang tuff in the end Cobras!!  The Cobras will take our one point in the standings and prepare this week for a big weekend to come.      GET FIRED UP COBRAS!!


SECOND SCSA GAME - 9/15/06 @ 6:30PM

Friday night we started the weekend off with a rescheduled game against the Lightning.  We played on a very small field and the Cobras weren't able to spread out and play our game.  Andre had two goals but in the end the Cobras came up short.



The week of the Kohl's cup the tournament officials moved the U11 & U12 groups together.  Then when the schedule came out we were the only U11 team in our pool.  So we would be playing against U12 teams through the entire tournament.  Luck just didn't seem to be coming our way!!

KOHL'S CUP GAME #1 @ 8:00 AM

Our first game was against the U12 Wichita Swarm.  The Cobras were a little slow getting started but were talking and moving better as the game went on.  Brandon got things started on the right side with two identical goals beating the keeper on the far post.  Austin and Jake took part in the scoring in the second half.  Both bringing the ball up the middle forcing the keeper to commit then placing the ball in the right corner.  Cobras were moving the ball as a team well and things just got better as we went.  Cobras came out on top 4-3 over the Swarm.

KOHL'S CUP GAME #2 @ 10:30AM

Game two was against the U12 Wichita Eclipse.  The Cobras were moving the ball better and the confidence started coming out in our passing and shooting.  The scoring got started early with Andre bringing the ball down the left side beating the keeper on the near post.  Then Brian found himself fighting for a position in the middle.  When the ball came inside the keeper didn't even see it as Brian fired it past him!  Early in the second half Andre scored on a beautiful shot from outside.  Andre put the ball up in the Kansas wind and it carried 30yrds across inside the far post.  Brendon finished off the scoring receiving a great assist up the middle by Jake, forcing the keeper to commit and putting it in the net untouched!   The  Cobras came out on top of the Eclipse 4-2 and were getting sharper as the day went on.


Game three was against the U12 Wichita Aces.  Cobras got off to a slow start allowing the Aces to score in the third minute of the game.  It didn't take us long to turn things around.  Jake took the ball up the middle beating two defenders and placing the ball in the corner.Brandon scored second beating the keeper on the near post. At halftime the score was 2-1.  Early in the second half Corey received the ball inside, turned and shot beating the keeper on the near post.  Then Corey attacked a loose ball in the penalty area, colliding with the keeper and pushing the ball past him.  Late in the game Corey received the ball in the middle again and was pulled down in the penalty area drawing a PK.  Rowan came up from the defense to take the PK.  Rowan place the ball near the post but the keeper made a fantastic diving save.  Blocking the ball back towards Rowan.  Rowan then beat the keeper to the ball placing it past him on the opposite side.  Cobras were putting together multiple passes and giving ourselves many opportunities.  The game ended with the Cobras winning 5-1.  Fantastic job COBRAS!!

KOHL'S CUP NOTE:  I want to emphasize the fact that this was a team effort this weekend and that every member was a vital part.  With out Aaron playing physical soccer in the midfield alot of our offense wouldn't have developed.  Kody and Grant are both moving the ball very well up front and both had multiple assists over the tournament.  Ryan and Christian have become a defense to fear!! and defense is what wins games!  The tournament was a very positive, confidence building day for us.  The Cobras came together as a team this weekend.  This day is going to be a big boost to our season!!  CONGRATULATIONS COBRAS!!


THIRD SCSA GAME - 9/17/06 @ 1:00PM

The Cobras played the Newton Storm to cap off a very busy weekend.  Cobras controlled the game from the beginning we just had problems finishing.  Cobras started the scoring first with Kody bringing the ball up field and passing it through to Jake, who drove straight at the keeper and put the ball in the corner.  Andre scored next bring the ball in from the left side and beating the keeper on the far post.  The second half started with the Storm scoring two unanswered goals and going on top 3-2.  The Cobras kept their cool and kept moving the ball forward.  Our third goal was a beautiful fully executed play.  Brandon received a pass outside from the center.  He took the ball past one defender and turned it straight at the post causing the keeper and defense to collapse on him.  Leaving three Cobras wide open in the middle.  Brandon passed the ball back inside where Brendon buried it in the net!  Making the score 3-3.  Minutes later Jake had the ball in the middle pushing it through to Kody who beat the keeper in the right corner.  With two minutes left in the game Brandon sent in a high cross from the right side.  Grant was able to get his head on it and put it right on Andre's foot at the back post.  Allowing Andre to score his second goal of the game.  The Cobras beat the Storm 5-3 and showed that we are looking better and better with every game and don't plan on slowing down soon!!


FOURTH SCSA GAME - 9/30/06 @ 1:30 PM

Today the Cobras played the Electrifiers.  Congratulations goes to the Cobras defense.  Christian, Ryan, Rowan, Brenden, Corey, and Brian dominated the game shutting out the Electrifiers allowing only 1 shot on goal.  Keeping the ball forward and allowing our offense to go to work.  Cobras started scoring early.  Austin dribbled straight up the middle beating two defenders before placing the ball in the right far corner.  Sixty seconds later Brandon brought the ball up the right side and beat the keeper on the near post.  Cobras were up 2-0 and the game had just started.  Cobras next scoring drive was orchestrated by Andre.  He brought the ball around the left side of the defense and turned on the speed to drive the ball straight to the goal.  Then passing the ball to the center allowing Austin to score his second goal.  Kody and Jake teamed up for our next goal.  Jake moved the ball into the center and pushed it through to Kody who beat the keeper in the corner.  Brandon then scored his second goal when Andre's cross from the left side came through the defense untouched and Brandon buried in the net.  Brian then got in on the scoring by sheer aggressiveness.  Brian knocked the ball loose from the defense then put the ball in the corner of the net untouched.  Late in the first half, Rowan brought the ball up field and passed it through to Grant.  Grant received the ball, then turned and fired beating the goal keeper on the near post.  Congratulations goes to Grant on his 1st goal of the season.  Cobras went into halftime leading 7-0.  The Cobras came out firing in the second half.  Jake started things off pushing the ball into open space and blasting a shot in the upper left corner.  Goal keeper never even had a chance!!  Corey then scored two identical goals getting himself in position to receive two crossed from the right side and finishing them in the back of the net. Corey then unselfishly gave the ball up to Brendon in the middle.  Brendon beat the keeper in the far corner of the goal.  Then it happened!!  Aaron pushed the ball into open space and let it rip from the outside, going through the keepers legs into the goal.  Congratulations to Aaron on his first goal of the season.  Andre then had the shot of the match!!  Coming in from the left side, he put the ball in the upper right corner of the goal.  Great shot Andre!  With 5 minutes left in the game we pulled Ryan up from defense to try and score.  On the very next play, Cobras brought the ball up the field.  Brendon passed the ball in the middle were Ryan stepped to the ball beating the defender and buried it in the net.  Then this loud screaming noise came from the other side of the field!!  Congratulations to Ryan on his first goal of the season and Tuesday we'll check on Beth and make sure she is okay!!  In the last minute of the game Corey topped of the scoring and finished off his first hat trick of the season.  If you lost track of the final score, it was Cobras 15, Electrifiers 0.  Cobras continue to get better week after week.  We are coming together on both ends of the field.  As Coaches we are really enjoying watching the individual skills develop and the boys coming together as a team!  Keep up the good work Cobras!!


FIFTH SCSA GAME - 10/08/06 @ 2:30 PM

Cobras played the Rockets today.  Congratulations goes to the Cobras defense (Rowan, Brendon, Christian, Ryan and Corey) for achieving our second shut-out in a row!  Cobras offense got things started right way scoring on the opening kickoff.  Three passes down the field and Jake had the ball in the center.  He dropped it left and Austin shot and scored.  It was 10 seconds into the game and the score was 1-0!  Our second goal came from pure aggressive fight in Brendon.  He attacked a defender with the ball, stole it and put it inside the near post!  The third goal was a beautiful pass from Brandon.  He brought the ball down the right side and crossed it over everyone to the left post.  Where Andre was covering the post so well he ran into it!!  Great teamwork!!  Just before halftime Andre pulled the ball off the goal line and played it back to Aaron who shot and scored.  Unfortunately the linesman called the ball out-of-bounds and the goal was disallowed.  You'll get them next time Aaron!  At halftime the score was Cobras 3 the the Rockets 0.   The second half started very slow for the Cobras and our defense was challenged. The defense held them while our offense got things started again.  Brandon once again bringing the ball down the right side crossed it inside and Jake placed the ball inside the right post scoring our forth goal.  We made a goalkeeper change 10 minutes into the second half.  Brendon finished the shutout and Corey scored our fifth goal.  Corey received a pass from Andre and pushed it past one defender then put the ball in the upper right corner.  Their goalkeeper never had a chance!  The sixth goal was a Traffic Jam!  There was a big mess of players fighting for the ball in front of their goal.  Austin pushed the ball toward the left post and Andre finished it off scoring his second goal of the game.  Late in the game Grant assisted our seventh goal. Grant made a perfect cross to the far post where once again Andre was waiting to score his third goal.  Congratulations to Andre on the HAT TRICK!!  The final score was Cobras 7 and the Rockets 0.  The Cobras played well today, moving the ball as a team and extending our winning streak to six games.  Way to go COBRAS!!  


SIXTH SCSA GAME - 10/16/06 @ 5:00 PM

Cobras traveled to Hutchinson, Kansas today to play the Azzurri Inferno.  It rained on and off during the game make the pitch very slippery!  The Cobras took control of the play early and were first to get on the score board.  Cobras put together a series of passes moving the ball back and across the field, then Brandon  beat one defender and placed a bullet passed the keeper.  The Cobras then seemed to stop playing our game and seemed satisfied to watch the Inferno players beat them to the ball and the Inferno scored three unanswered goals.  Just before halftime the Cobras took the momentum back and Brandon scored his second goal much like the first.  The Cobras turned right around and score our third goal when Kody received a through pass from Austin.  Kody left footed it inside the right post just out of the keeper reach.  We went into halftime tied 3-3.  The second half seemed much like the first.  The Inferno scored two goals and the Cobras played catch up.  Late in the game Austin took a big shot from outside beating the keeper, but it wasn't enough.  Cobras suffered our second lose of the season , Cobras -4 , Inferno -5.  It hurts to lose to a team your better than, but it happens! We had a six game winning streak with multiple shutouts. That is Fantastic!!   How should we take this lose?  We need to realize what mistakes we made and learn from them.  Then get ready for the EFC Lightning next week.  LETS GET PUMPED UP COBRAS!!


SEVENTH SCSA GAME - 10/21/06 @ 12:00 PM

Cobras played against the EFC Lightning today.  For the second week in a row we faced rainy conditions but this game was COLD!!  If we've learned one thing in the past couple weeks it would be to come prepared for what ever Mother Nature may throw at us!!  Congratulations goes to the Cobras Defense on another shut out!  Great Job Ryan, Rowan and Corey!!  They allowed only one shot on goal and kept the ball forward allowing our Midfielders to control the game.  Moving the ball well between them,  Brendon, Aaron and Brian allowed our Forwards many opportunities at goal.  Kody, Andre and Grant had many shots on goal but none were finding the net. Fifteen minutes into the game the ball was passed out to the right wing.  Grant was first to the ball and with no hesitation ripped a shot off beating the keeper inside the near post!  Even thought the Cobras were controlling the game the score at halftime was only 1-0.  The second half was a lot like the first.  The Cobras controlled the ball and had many goal scoring opportunities.  The Cobras second goal came from another strike from Grant once again beating the keeper inside the near post.  The weather was getting worse and the game was called early.  The Cobras won 2-0.  I was very proud of the Cobras today.  Short four players and in nearly freezing temperatures they fought hard for the win.  Way to bounce back COBRAS!!


EIGHTH SCSA GAME - 10/26/06 @ 6:00 PM

Cobras played the Wichita Lightning tonight.  The Cobras played a very physical game and left everything they had on the field.  The cobras should be very proud of their performance.  The Lightning defense only allowed four goals all season and the Cobras offense scored three of those and had other opportunites to score we just didn't quite finish.  The Cobras defense completely frustrated them.  Playing tough defense and pulling our offsides trap.  In the end the Lightning won the game but the Cobras proved we're here to stay!.  If we could have capitalized on a few of our early opportunities this game would have had a different outcome.  The coaches want the Cobras to know how proud we are of them.  Knowing what you were up against and never giving up.  You proved to all tonight that the Cobras are on our way to the top!  Watch out Lightning we're coming through you on our way!! 

Congratulations Cobras on a great season.  Lets work hard in the off season and come back in the Spring and as coach T says "Lets Get-R-Done"!!

I want to thank the families of the Cobras.  Without your praise and support none of this would be possible.

Thank you all,

Coach Keith