Fall Soccer Season 2007


The Cobras added a few new players over the Summer and are coming off of a great season finishing second place. We have set our goals one step higher this season and the boys have been practicing very hard in preparation.  Cobras kick off our season Sunday September 9th against the Rojos.   Good Luck Cobras!!

(10/27/07) Cobras V. Newton Storm
Today was the rematch of the Championship game last season!  Even though the Cobras had locked up first place, our undefeated season was on the line and the Newton Storm would love to be the only team to beat us.
The Cobras came out and controlled the game in the beginning and took an early two goal lead.  Jacob and John both found their way up the middle dribbling past defenders and beating the keeper!  Then with about ten minutes left in the first half the momentum changed and the Storm came at us!  Just before halftime they scored and the score at halftime was Wichita Cobras 2, Newton Storm 1.
At halftime we talked about our defense continuing to play as they had and our offense to relax and finish our plays better.  We were half way there and the boys started to feel it!!  The Cobras came out FIRED UP and the Cobras attack was on again!!  Matthew was working around the right side breaking for the goal when he was pulled down in the penalty area and we were given a PK!  Andre had been our sure footed PK kicker all season so we stuck with him for on last shot and once again low in the corner and the keeper never had a chance.  GREAT SHOT!!  The score was now 3-1.  The Storm would not quit and once again they scored to pull with in one goal (3-2) and keep thing exciting!!
Then Andre got loose on the left side  and brought the ball straight at the keeper.  He had passed the last three balls to the center with no results.  This time the keeper left him enough space to tuck it just inside the near post and the Cobras went up 4-2.  Late in the game Kody, Tom and Grant were swarming the Storm's penalty area causing them all kinds of problems and creating multiple opportunities.  In the final minute of the game Grant took a hard shot and the keeper made a great save, the ball came straight back to Grant.  Who deflected it back to goal, where the keeper saved it again.  Once again playing the ball back to Grant, who this time controlled the ball and punched it passed a diving keeper.  Third Times A Charm!!!  Way to stay after it Grant!!  The Cobras went up 5-2 and the whistle blew, the game was over!  We had done it!! An
UNDEFEATED SEASON!!   Congratulations COBRAS!!!

In the end, we earned 20 points out of a possible 24 points and won first place by a three game margin!! 
You guys have worked hard this season and played some fantastic soccer and deserve to be 1st PLACE


(10/20/07) Cobras V. Rosehill Rockets
This would be the rematch of the game that we should have won early in the season and settled for a tie.  The Rockets were on a three game winning streak and looking to upset our season.  Cobras came out and controlled the game from the kick off.  Our defense played fabulously, allowing 3 shots on goal the entire game!!  Brendon, Rowan, Christian and Ryan recorded our first SHUT OUT of the season and allowed our offense to play our game.  Early in the game, Matthew was taken down in the penalty box.  Andre put the penalty kick low and in the corner, the keeper never had a chance.   Minutes later Andre took a bullet shot off the far post and in the goal for our second goal.  Matthew beat the defender around the right side and the goal keeper on the near post for our third and final goal.  With this win the Cobras locked up first place with one game left in the season.  CONGRATULATIONS COBRAS!!!!!

(10/07/07) Cobras V. Wichita Rojos 
Today was our first rematch of the season and the winner would move into first place alone at the top!!  The Rojos scored early and the Cobras would once again have to come from behind!! 
Aaron scored our first goal off a pass inside from Matthew.  Our second goal Jacob dribbled passed one defender but his shot was saved and Matthew followed it in and made it count!!  The third goal was John on a solo trip up the middle and past the keeper.  The final score was 3-1.  After the Rojos early goal our defense completely shut them out with Ryan making some FANTASTIC saves in the end. 

(9/30/07) Cobras V. ICT Crossfire
Today's game was a very important game in the points battle in the standings.
Cobras got on the score board with a riffling shot from Jacob that the keeper managed to get a hand on. Matthew got on the rebound and made sure it went in.  The Crossfire came right back and tied things at 1-1.  Our second goal Matthew took a hard shot hitting the post and  Andre was there to pick up the rebound and finish it off.  The Cobras third goal was a great set up pass from Jacob through to Andre who beat the keeper on the far side.  Jacob scored our fourth goal off a drop pass from Matthew and the Cobras went up 4-1.  Just before halftime the Crossfire scored two quick unanswered goals and the score was 4-3 at halftime.  The second half was completely controlled by the Cobras.  We just couldn't seem to finish with the 20-30 mph winds.  The Cobras defense allowed only one shot on goal the second half, stopping them at midfield and allowing the offense to go to work.  Andre scored with a big shot outside to give the Cobras a 5-3 lead and Andre a "HAT TRICK".  The Crossfire scored in the last minute leaving the final score 5-4.  GREAT JOB COBRAS!! 

(9/29/07) Cobras V. Azzurri Inferno
Cobras came out fast and scored in the first thirty seconds of the game!  Brendon made a perfect pass through the defense and Matthew put it in the net.  It didn't take long for Azzurri to even things up at 1-1.  Then Andre made a perfect cross to the far post where Matthew slid through and scored our second goal.  Jacob scored our third goal on a beautiful shot from outside.  He put the ball up in the wind and over the keeper and just under the crossbar. GREAT SHOT!!  
The Cobras went up 3-1.  Matthew then scored our fourth goal bringing the ball in and beating the keeper on the near post.  Matthew had a "HAT TRICK" and the cobras were up 4-1.  Azzurri scored a late goal and the final was 4-2. 

(9/22/07) Cobras V. Newton Storm
The Cobras came out and controlled the ball and had many opportunities to score early, but again we just couldn't finish.  Midway through the firsthalf the momentum shifted to the Storm and put our defense to the test.  Just before halftime the Storm scored and went into halftime with a 1-0 lead.
The second half we came out fighting and scored to even things up in the first minute.  It wasn't long and the Storm was able to score and go back up 2-1.  The rest of the game was controlled by the Cobras offense.  We missed opportunity after opportunity.  Late in the game we scored our second goal to even things up.  The Cobras had the momentum and the way we were playing it was ours to win!  We hit the post twice in the final minutes of the game, but were unable to put the winning goal away.  Once again we out played our opponent and tied on the score board 2-2.

(9/16/07) Cobras V. Rosehill Rockets
Cobras came out strong controlling the possesion but were unable to finish.  The Rockets broke loose late in the first half and scored.  The Cobras went into halftime down 0-1.  At halftime we talked about needing to relax and finish!!
The secondhalf the Rockets pulled back and played defense.  Doing everything they could to keep the Cobras out of the goal and run the clock down!!  The Cobras broke through and scored late in the game to even the score 1-1.  So the Cobras came out of this one with one point in the standings and we felt we let one get away!!

(9/15/07) Kohls Tournament
Cobras came into the tournament with high hopes after winning last years tournament.  We ended up winning 2 of 3 games and had our eyes opened to some things we needed to work on.
Over all we had a fun day and got to see some good soccer.
Thanks to all the families for the food and all the support!


(9/09/07) Cobras V. Wichita Rojos 
The Cobras started our season today against the Wichita Rojos.  The Rojos already had one game played and 3pts. in the standings.  The Cobras started the game sluggish.  We had our chances in the first half but weren't putting out the effort to finish and went into halftime down 0-2.  At halftime we had a little discussion about our first half performance and the Cobras came out for the second half a different team!  

Early in the second half Andre broke loose down the left side and beat the keeper on the near post.  Minutes later we were rewarded a PK and Andre blew it past the keeper pulling the score even.  Then John got to score his first goal as a Cobra!!  He received the ball in the middle, moved around one defender and placed the ball low in the corner, the keeper never had a chance!  The Cobras went ahead 3-2 and weren't finished!  Next the Cobras put together a team effort on a corner kick.  Andre took the kick while Matthew covered the far post.  The kick came high and made it through to Matthew who deflected the ball back inside where Aaron was able to put the finishing touch to it and the Cobras went up 4-2.  Then late in the game Matthew got pulled down in the penalty box and Jacob score our fifth goal on a PK.  The Cobras went up 5-2.  The Cobras defense played very well controlling the the Rojos offense and allowing our offense to go to work!! In the last minutes of the game the Rojos scored a third goal and the final score was 5-3.